
Saturday, February 7, 2015

Cool Facts About Dogs Will Make You Love them Even More

There are god knows how many dog breeds in our lovely world. We just can’t go through a day and find out that there is some great doctor working on developing dog breed.
It’s just awesome to have your dog around you all the time.
What we have here are some cool facts that will make you understand and love these creatures even more.
Maybe some of you dog lovers already know these facts we are about to share with you and you are welcome to share more in the comments section bellow.
Before you go down reading these facts you need to know that DOGS ARE AWESOME!

The Newfoundland breed has webbed feet and water resistant coat


3 Dogs survived the Titanic sinking: 2 Pomeranians and 1 Pekingese

Paul McCartney recorded a unique whistle at the end of a song, which is audible only to dogs so his Shetland sheepdog can enjoy his music. The song is “A day in the Life”

Dogs are like humans. They have slow wave sleep and rapid eye movement

Dogs can see in the dark. It’s the tapetum lucidum membrane that allows them this


Bigger dogs have 60-100 heart beats per minute while smaller dog breeds have 100-140 HBPM

According to a research, dogs can detect stormy weather

Dogs sweat only through their feet pads


The latest research shows that 45% of the dogs enjoy sleeping in their owners’ bed

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